About Us

WA State General Contractors License # : PNWECED792QC

We are licensed General Contractors in Washington State which means we are fully Licensed, Bonded, and Insured as per the law.

Make sure to verify your Contractor! You can verify us @ :


PNW Eco-Property Development L.L.C. was created in order to help people grow their own nutrient dense food, design permaculture sites/green-spaces, and to teach people how to thrive with Mother Nature on their properties. We want to be an example of a company that helps communities in the Pacific NorthWest transition to a Green, De-Centralized, 21st-Century Economy that works for everyone. We’re here to help for all your permaculture, gardening, landscaping, fencing, and backyard design needs so you can thrive at home while also increasing the value of your property.


“I’m Adam Michael Ferrari, I want to see you thrive and I want to help add value to your property! We know it’s time to get back to our roots and start growing our own food. It can be intimidating but don’t worry, that first empowering step can be you starting with 2 beautiful Raised Beds and 2 Fruit Trees. Let’s maximize the land on your property!”

“I’m Andrew Garvey Owen, I look forward to improving your soil and adding value to your property. The new generation of builders and contractors have a lot of work ahead of us but I’m ready to take on the challenge. I always pay attention to detail and I make sure the plan goes smoothly with my clients.”